MC Tools

Weighted Average Calculator

Utilize our weighted average calculator for precise results. Calculate weighted averages with ease and accuracy for your data.

Form to calculate your weighted average

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Results of your Weighted Average

How to Use this Weighted Average Calculator?

Using this weighted average calculator is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps to calculate a weighted average:

  1. Input Values: Start by entering the values you want to calculate the weighted average for. You'll typically have two sets of values: one set representing the items or data points, and another set representing their respective weights or importance.
  2. Enter Data and Weights: In the designated fields, enter the values for each item or data point and their corresponding weights. Ensure that you enter both sets accurately to obtain an accurate result
  3. Calculate: Once you've entered all the data and weights, click the "Calculate" button or hit the "Calculate" key to initiate the calculation.
  4. Result: The calculator will display the weighted average of the data points based on the provided weights.
Weighted Average Formula

The weighted average is calculated using the following formula:

Weighted Average = (Value₁ * Weight₁ + Value₂ * Weight₂ + ... + Valueₙ * Weightₙ) / (Weight₁ + Weight₂ + ... + Weightₙ)


  • Value₁, Value₂, ... Valueₙ represent the values of the data points.
  • Weight₁, Weight₂, ... Weightₙ represent the weights or importance of the corresponding data points.

This formula multiplies each value by its weight, sums up these products, and then divides by the sum of the weights to compute the weighted average.

What is Presented on the Output Page of this Calculator?

When you use this weighted average calculator, the output page will typically present the following information:

  1. Weighted Average: The main result of the calculation is the weighted average of the data points based on the provided weights. This is the value you're looking to obtain.
  2. Sum of Weights: The calculator may also display the sum of the weights you entered, which is used in the calculation.
How Does this Weighted Average Calculator Work?

This weighted average calculator works by taking the values and their corresponding weights that you input, applying the weighted average formula, and then displaying the result. Here's a simplified explanation of how it works:

  1. It takes the values and weights you provide as input.
  2. It applies the weighted average formula to calculate the weighted sum of the values.
  3. It calculates the sum of the weights.
  4. It divides the weighted sum of values by the sum of weights to obtain the weighted average.
  5. It displays the calculated weighted average as the output.

Let's use the example mentioned earlier to demonstrate how the calculator works:

  • Data Points: Grades for a student in three courses (Course A: 85, Course B: 92, Course C: 78).
  • Weights: The courses have different credit values (Course A: 3 credits, Course B: 4 credits, Course C: 2 credits).

Using the weighted average formula:

Weighted Average = (85 * 3 + 92 * 4 + 78 * 2) / (3 + 4 + 2) = (255 + 368 + 156) / 9 = 779 / 9 ≈ 86.56

So, the weighted average of the student's grades is approximately 86.56 based on the credit weights.