MC Tools

Factorial Calculator

Utilize our fractional calculator for precise calculations – simplify fractions effortlessly!

Form to calculate your Factorial

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Results of your factorial

How to Use this Factorial Calculator?

Using this factorial calculator is easy and straightforward. Follow these steps to calculate the factorial of a number:

  1. Input: Enter the number for which you want to calculate the factorial into the designated field. Make sure the number is a non-negative integer, as factorials are only defined for non-negative integers.
  2. Calculate: After inputting the number, click the "Calculate" button or press the enter key. The calculator will process your input and provide you with the result.
  3. Output: The output will display the factorial of the entered number.

Suppose you want to calculate the factorial of 5. Enter "5" into the input field, click "Calculate," and the calculator will show the result, which is 120.

Factorial Formula

The factorial of a non-negative integer 'n' is calculated using the following formula:

n! = n × (n - 1) × (n - 2) × ... × 1


  • 'n' is the non-negative integer for which you want to calculate the factorial.
  • '!' represents the factorial operator.
  • The product of all positive integers from 'n' down to 1 is multiplied to calculate the factorial.
What is Presented on the Output Page of this Calculator?

When you calculate the factorial of a number using this calculator, the output page will display the following information:

  1. Input Value: The number you entered into the calculator.
  2. Factorial Result: The calculated factorial of the input number.
  3. Explanation: A brief explanation of the calculation performed.
  4. Additional Information: Any additional relevant information or notes, such as the range of valid input values.

If you input "5" into the calculator, the output page will display:

  • Input Value: 5
  • Factorial Result: 120
  • Explanation: The factorial of 5 is calculated as 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120.
How Does this Factorial Calculator Work?

This factorial calculator works by implementing the factorial formula discussed earlier. When you input a number and click the "Calculate" button, the calculator performs the following steps:

  1. It checks if the input is a non-negative integer.
  2. If the input is valid, it initiates a calculation loop.
  3. Within the loop, it multiplies the current number 'n' by the previous result, decrementing 'n' with each iteration until 'n' reaches 1.
  4. The loop continues until 'n' becomes 1, at which point it stops, and the final result is displayed.

The calculator ensures that the input is within the valid range and provides the result as the output.


Let's take the example of calculating the factorial of 5. The calculator starts with 5 and multiplies it by 4, then by 3, then by 2, and finally by 1. It sums up these multiplications to obtain the result, which is 120.