MC Tools

URL Decode

Utilize our URL decode tool to safely convert URL-encoded text, making URLs readable. Decode '%XX' characters with ease.

Form decode url

Enter a url.
We will show confetti every time you press it.

Results of your decoded url

How to Use this URL Decode:

To use a URL decode tool, you can follow these steps:

  1. Input: Paste or type the URL-encoded string that you want to decode into the tool.
  2. Decode: Click the "Decode" button or function provided by the tool.
  3. Output: The tool will convert the URL-encoded string back to its original form, displaying the decoded content.
What is URL Encoding:

URL encoding is a process used to represent characters in a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that may not be safe to use as is. This includes characters like spaces, special symbols, and non-ASCII characters. In URL encoding, these characters are replaced with a '%' symbol followed by two hexadecimal digits that represent the character's ASCII code.

URL Decode Refer List:

Here is a reference list of common characters and their corresponding URL-encoded values:

  • Space: %20
  • Ampersand (&): %26
  • Question Mark (?): %3F
  • Equals Sign (=): %3D
  • Slash (/): %2F
  • Colon (:): %3A
  • Comma (,): %2C
  • Plus (+): %2B
  • Hash (#): %23
What is Presented on the Output Page of this URL Decode:

The output page display the decoded version of the URL-encoded input string.

How Does this URL Decode Work:

URL decoding works by examining each character in the URL-encoded string and replacing any '%XX' sequences (where 'XX' represents two hexadecimal digits) with the corresponding character in the ASCII character set.

Example of URL Decoding:

Let's say you have the following URL-encoded string:

Input: Hello%20World%21

  • %20 represents a space character.
  • %21 represents an exclamation mark.

When you decode this string using a URL decode tool, you will get the following output:

Output: Hello World!