MC Tools

Decimal to Fraction Calculator

Effortlessly convert decimals into fractions with our precise calculator. Follow clear steps to achieve accuracy. Try it now!

Form to calculate your decimal to fraction

Enter a decimal value.
We will show confetti every time you press it.

Results of your decimal to fraction

How to Use this Decimal to Fraction Calculator?

Using this decimal to fraction calculator is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the decimal number you want to convert into the input field. For example, enter 0.75.
  2. Click the "Calculate" button.
  3. The calculator will display the equivalent fraction in its simplest form, which in this case is 3/4.
  4. To perform additional conversions, simply repeat the process.
Decimal to Fraction Reference List

Here is a reference list of commonly used decimal-to-fraction conversions with examples:

Decimal to Fraction Steps

Converting a decimal to a fraction can be done using the following formula or steps:

Example: Let's convert the decimal 0.6 to a fraction.

  1. Identify the decimal number (0.6).
  2. Count the number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point (1).
  3. Write the decimal number as a fraction with the decimal value as the numerator and a power of 10 as the denominator. The power of 10 should be the same as the number of decimal places. In this case, it's 6/10.
  4. Simplify the fraction to its lowest terms, if necessary. In this example, it simplifies to 3/5.
What is Presented on the Output Page of this Calculator?

When you use this decimal to fraction calculator, the output page will provide you with the following information:

The equivalent fraction in its simplest form, e.g., 3/4.