MC Tools

Percentage Calculator

Utilize this tool for seamless percentage calculations: A % of B, A's % in B, and % change from A to B — effortlessly!

Form to calculate percentage

  • What is A % of B?
  • A is what percent of B?
  • What is the percentage increse/decrease from A to B?
Pick a calculation type
Enter an A value
Enter an B value
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Results of your calculation type

How to Use this Percent Calculator?

Using this percent calculator is quick and straightforward. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Select Your Calculation Type: Choose from three options: "What is A % of B?" to find a percentage of a number, "A is what percent of B?" to determine one number's percentage of another, or "Percentage Increase/Decrease from A to B" to calculate the change in percentage between two numbers.
  2. Enter the Numbers: Input the values of A and B in the respective fields.
  3. Click Calculate: Hit the "Calculate" button, and our tool will provide you with the accurate percentage result instantly.
  4. View the Output: The result will be displayed clearly, so you can use it for your needs.
Percent Formula

Understanding the underlying formulas for percentage calculations can be beneficial. Here are the formulas used by our Percent Calculator:

  1. What is A % of B?
    A * B / 100
  2. A is what percent of B?
    A * 100 / B
  3. Percentage Increase/Decrease from A to B
    [(B - A) / |A|] * 100 (Use the absolute value of A for percentage decrease)

Knowing these formulas can help you comprehend the math behind the percentages and provide insights into how our calculator operates.

What is Presented on the Output Page of this Calculator?

When you use our Percent Calculator, the output page will present you with clear and concise information. You will see:

Result: The percentage calculation result based on your input.

Our output page is designed to make the results easily accessible and understandable for all users.

How Does this Percent Calculator Work?

Our Percent Calculator is powered by advanced algorithms that perform accurate percentage calculations. Here's how it works:

  1. Input Processing: The tool takes the values of A and B that you provide as input.
  2. Calculation: Depending on your selected calculation type, it employs the appropriate formula (as mentioned in the "Percent Formula" section) to calculate the percentage.
  3. Result Display: The result is displayed clearly on the output page, along with a summary and step-by-step breakdown for transparency.

Rest assured, our calculator ensures precision and efficiency in all your percentage calculations. Try it now to experience its capabilities firsthand!